It’s difficult to describe a typical EAGB member. They reflect the gamut of British trade and commerce but most importantly: they have enquiring minds, a gregarious nature, ambition for their organisations and are leaders in business.

Andrew Segal

Antoinette Dale Henderson

Barbara Cação, MBA

Barrie Ross-Dow – EAGB Vice Chairman

David Little – EAGB Board member

David Mellard – EAGB Board Member

Gavin Porritt

Gordon Hollerin

Grenville P W Burn

Jacob Figura

James Scozzi

Jasper de Quincy Adams OBE

Jenna Hunter

Jerry Yanover

Joe Sole

Lindsey Annable

Mike Sleeman

Natalie Friday

Nick Brainsby

Owen Williams – EAGB Board Member

Owrang Rahmani

Rafael Funes

Richard Angus – EAGB Board Member

Richard Byrt

Simon Hammond – EAGB Chairman

Terry Irwin
Becoming a member
As a visitor you may only join the EAGB if nominated by one existing member and seconded by another. This normally happens once you have attended two meetings and members have had the opportunity to meet and speak with you.
The Secretary will be asked by the Board to send you an application form. Once completed, members will be advised of the nomination. An interview with the membership committee follows during which you will be informed about the rules and behaviour expected of all members. The board will then consider your nomination after which you will be informed whether or not your membership has been accepted.
The formalities conclude when the Chairperson introduces you to the members at your first official meeting as an EAGB member.