Empowering Significance and Impact in Leaders and Teams. Physical Intelligence Coach/Trainer/Speaker, Engagement & Collaboration Specialist, Personal Impact Thought Leader, TEDx Professional Speaker, Executive Coach/Mentor and Author.

Throughout her varied career from Theatre Sister in Open Heart Surgery, sales and team building in the Pharmaceutical, Finance and L&D industries and training/mentoring/coaching business leaders and teams, Sylvia’s mission has been to empower others to rediscover their true value and to live a life of purpose, fulfilment, vitality and impact.

During the COVID pandemic, Sylvia launched the ‘Becoming More Significant’ programme for groups and individuals which has been transformational for all participants. It is now accredited by the CPD Standards Office and gives 16 hours of CPD to delegates..

BECOMING MORE SIGNIFICANT is about recognising the unique value you have to offer and peeling back the layers of limiting self-belief that keep you playing small. It’s about unlocking the innate skills and talent you already have, to perform at your best in work and life.

PHYSICAL INTELLIGENCE is the ability to detect and strategically manage the ever-changing internal chemistry of your body to increase:

strength, flexibility, resilience, endurance, energy, cognitive function, creativity, motivation, trust, vitality, longevity and much more.

A study of 40 Bankers in South Africa showed that adopting Physical Intelligence techniques:

reduced stress levels by 42% and increased cognitive function by 62%.

There are over 100 techniques rooted in science and underpinned by over 175 pieces of research for:

INNER STRENGTH Confidence, risk taking, focus, better decision making under pressure, high cognitive function, lead with authority.


Being creative, innovative and collaborative, high esteem for self and others, agile, ready to embrace and instigate change, lead to inspire.


Create an environment for learning and growth, bounce back from adversity, let go of the past, optimism, ability to renew and become who we want to be, understand people, and lead with compassion in tough times.


Power and determination, focus on achieving long term goals, motivation, planning, executing and maintaining performance over long term whilst finding appreciation, gratitude and joy, lead to motivate towards future.

She speaks and runs Masterclasses on the following:

  • Becoming More Significant with Physical Intelligence
  • Counteract Imposter Syndrome by Becoming More Significant
  • Create a Culture of Collaboration by Maximising Your Talent
  • Leading From Within
  • Communicating with Impact
  • Presenting Online and Offline with Confidence and Impact
  • Fostering Openness Within Your Organisation
  • The Habits Holding Women Back at Work