The 6 key challenges facing MedTech leaders today and how the EAGB can resolve them

As an association of experienced executives, many of whom have held senior positions in the corporate world before starting our own businesses, EAGB members understand the demands and challenges that face you, as a leader of a MedTech enterprise.

Consumers are now accustomed to working remotely and receiving many services, including aspects of healthcare, virtually.

As more services are delivered digitally, how will you ensure you can meet demand, deliver innovative solutions, and balance opportunities with risk readiness? And how will you find and market to new audiences?

In 2022, the Med Tech sector brought new products to market more quickly than ever before. But this pace of change and rapid growth also brought new challenges.

Several recent surveys, including one by Deloitte, suggest the following six areas are of concern to the Med Tech sector:

  1. Balancing digital change opportunities with risk readiness
  2. Policy and regulation, particularly around cyber security and AI
  3. Raising business or product awareness and finding new markets
  4. Funding, especially for start-ups and early-stage businesses
  5. Resourcing, human and economic, to transform and function using digital and information technology
  6. Training, whether for functions, productivity or around issues relating to cyber security

How can we help you and your business meet the challenges of today?

The Executive Association of Great Britain has a wide-reaching network and our members’ connections provide unparalleled introductions. It offers members a space where we can find peer-to-peer support and exchange advice and information.
But that’s not all. Here you will find expertise you can trust and solutions to all your business challenges whether yours is a start-up, early stage or mature business.

Within the EAGB there are management consultants who can help with business strategy and corporate lawyers who understand the issues surrounding compliance and regulation. If you need employment advice, training support, or perhaps you are considering increasing your workforce, we have employment law, training, HR and recruitment professionals among our members.

Perhaps you are looking for investment or to add boardroom gravitas and expertise? Our members can help you with tax R&D credits, finance, NED roles and investment.

If your biggest headache is positioning and raising the awareness of yourself or your business, we can help with this too. Our membership includes sales/growth strategists, market researchers, brand and web designers, copy writers, PR professionals, digital marketeers and brand and marketing strategists.

Finally, if you are thinking of selling or exiting your business – we can help with that too!

Why not find out more? Join one of our business lunches.

You will be able to hear some interesting speakers, make great connections and build a network of supportive business associates.

Go to for further information, and the date and time of the next lunch. Alternatively complete the contact form here or simply email Caren at [email protected]